
Happily Ever After?

Phoebe: We have to stop meeting like this.
Cole: Marry. me.
Phoebe: What?

Phoebe: It's just hard.
Cole: It's just me.
Phoebe: Okay, let me ask you something. When you, you know, proposed, did you mean to or did it just come out in the heat of the moment?
Cole: Does it matter?
Phoebe: Well, yeah, it matters to me.
Cole: It just came out in the heat of the moment. But that doesn’t mean that once I said it, I wasn’t serious, because I was. I still am.
Phoebe: Cole...
Cole: Phoebe, listen to me. I know it was crazy to ask, and I know it doesn’t make any sense because of who we are, but….that shouldn’t matter. If it did, we never would have fallen in love in the first place. I love you Phoebe, and I don’t know where we go from here, but I do know that wherever it is…I want it to be with you.

-Black As Cole

Phoebe: Cole, I wasn’t just being a nagging girlfriend. I actually had good reasons for asking you not to go.
Cole: Which were what, exactly?
Phoebe: I don’t know, to try to keep you alive?
Cole: Oh, because I’m not capable of defending myself? If that’s the way you think, no wonder you don’t want to marry me!
Phoebe: I can’t believe that’s what you think! Is that really what you think?
Cole: What am I supposed to think?
Phoebe: You’re supposed to know that I love you and that-
Cole: And that what? I have a hard time believing that any woman who's truly in love would really turn down a marriage proposal!
Phoebe: Oh, well, that’s how little you know about women! Cole, there’s still so much that we don’t know about each other. I mean, we don’t know the new rules, we don’t know what it means for you to be human, and I don’t know-
Cole: That you truly love me.
Phoebe: No, Cole. That’s the one thing that I do know.
Cole: Well then what is the problem?
Phoebe: I don’t know how to be a wife. (Cole kisses her passionately.) But I can’t live without you in my life.

-Muse To My Ears

Cole: You never answered the chaplain's question.
Phoebe: I never answered your question. Ask me again.
Cole: Will you marry me?
Phoebe: Yes...I will.

-A Paige From The Past

Cole: Look, why don't we it again, start over?
(He pulls out a ring and shows it to her.)
Phoebe: Grams's ring!
Cole: Mm-hm.
Phoebe: Where did you get that?
Cole: From Piper. She gave it to me, so I could give it to you.
Phoebe: Well, that's weet, but it's not exactly a good omen...she was married with that thing six times.
Cole: Well, she must have liked something about it, or she would have stopped at like, three. (He gets down on one knee.) Miss Phoebe Halliwell, I come to you a man...nothing more, nothing less, to ask will you be my wife?
Phoebe: Yeah, I will. Again.

Phoebe: Okay, okay, stop splashing! I'll say it. Cole Turner is the greatest lawyer in all the world.
Cole: Greatest unemployed lawyer in all of the world. Although Mr. Yates did respond to my persuasive arguement and got the tennants' heat back on.
Phoebe: And he's not gonna press any charges?
Cole: Nope, his lawyer thought that case would raise more issues than it closed.
Phoebe: I am so proud of you.
(They kiss.)
Cole: Well that was colorful.
Phoebe: Okay, I think I figured out what Grams did to this ring here.
Cole: Do you now?
Phoebe: I think that to keep her from making a seventh mistake, she put a hex on the ring. So that if she ever got engaged again, the ring would remind her of what she hated about marriage.
Cole: The loss of identity, the subjugation by a man, the focus on housework?
Phoebe: All those things that I was afraid of.
Cole: But Grams was from a different era. That's not gonna happen to us. Sitting and knitting is not the woman you are, just like sitting and typing is not the man i am.
Phoebe: No, I can't picture you doing that. (She laughs.)
Cole: But can you picture us together, or are you so freaked out by marriage that you don't wanna-
Phoebe: No...I wanna marry you. We just have to work extra hard to make sure neither one of us loses our identity. And as for Grams and her notion of marriage...(She pulls the plug out of the bottom of the tub.) We can watch that go down the drain. (She drops the rung down the drain and they kiss.)

-Lost And Bound

Phoebe: What’s that?
Cole: This?
Phoebe: Yeah.
Cole: It’s just a little something I’ve been waiting for the right moment to give you. (He opens the box and shows her an engagement ring.) It’s not your Grams’, but hopefully it’s not cursed.
Phoebe: I don’t think now’s the time.
Cole: Actually, I think now’s the perfect time. (He takes the ring out of the box and puts it on her finger.) This way no matter what happens, you’ll always know that I love you.
Phoebe: It’s beautiful. And now you have to go.
Cole: No, I’m staying here with you.
Phoebe: Do you want me to watch you die, too?
Cole: If that’s what it takes to save you, yeah.
Phoebe: No, but I’m supposed to save you. That’s why I got that premonition.
Cole: Not necessarily. You know as well as I do you’re not meant to stop every premonition.
Some are just meant to prepare you for what’s to come.

-Charmed And Dangerous

Phoebe: So, what are you gonna do your last night as a single guy?
Cole: If I told you that, you'd never marry me.
Phoebe: I feel like I'm standing on the edge of a cliff right now.
Cole: You do?
Phoebe: yeah. And somehow, I've never felt safer in my whole life.

Dark Priest: Not two but one, till life be gone. You may kiss the bride.
(Phoebe and Cole kiss.)
Phoebe: We did it.
Cole: Yes we did.
(They kiss again.)

-Marry Go Round